Administrator Guide 2017
Close associated job
Image Title

Image Title

Close associated job closes the job that initiated the current form (and any other forms in the same job).  This is often used on the handover, or sign-off, form for a long-term project.


Main screen for this action


A descriptive text to identify this action

Delete any forms still in progress Tick this box if forms that have been started but not completed should be deleted; this is often used if one of the forms on the project stays open indefinitely.  If not ticked then the job cannot be closed if there are still forms in progress.

Please be aware that data can be lost if this item has been ticked.


Condition (1) If you wish to only run an action in a particular situation then you can use these conditions to specify them. The action will only occur if both conditions are satisfied. Typical uses are to only run an action or display an item if a particular answer has been given to one of the answers on the template.
See Also